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 Helpful tips to help you Stop Smoking

    Set a quit date! A quit date is the day you wish to quit smoking completely. When your set date arrives, throw out everything that reminds you of smoking, such as ash trays, matches, leftover cigarettes, cigarette holders, and the lighter in your car. If you relapse, don't get down or depressed, just make a different quitting date!



  • Quit when you are in a good state of mind. Studies show that it is less likely for you to be a successful quitter when you're deppressed or under a great deal of stress.

  • Tell your friends or co-workers how you feel. If something makes you mad, kindly let them know. Studies show that being agitated after quitting smoking gives you the urge to smoke again.

  Break Habbits

  • Stop buying cartons of cigarettes. A healthier alternative would be to buy only a pack at a time, and only carry that one with you.

  • Switch to decaf within the first two months of your quitting, caffeine can give you the jitters.

  • Find a healthy snack to carry with you at all times. This way you will be occupying yourself, rather than smoking.

  • Have a nice cup of herbal tea whenever you have the urge to smoke.

  • When you are at work instead of taking a cigarette break use that time to play a computer game like solitaire or inkball.

  • To minimize cravings change your routine, at breakfast sit at another chair or take a different route to work. 


  • Put all the money your saving, by not buying cigarettes, in a large glass jar. Do this, because you will be able to save up for something you have always wanted to do.

  •  If you smoke one pack of cigarettes each day for ten years, you’ll spend enough money to buy a new car or put a deposit on a house!

  •  Cigarettes are expensive and quitting can save you money now as well as saving on future health costs. If you need an added incentive to quit, think about how much of your weekly income is going up in smoke.

  • One pack of 25 cigarettes costs around $16 and the price keeps rising. What could you do for yourself and your family with that extra money? More than you think.

 Create It!

  • Create a smoke-free zone! Don't allow anyone to smoke in your car, home, or even while sitting next to you in a restaurant.

  • Make a list of how smoking hurts you and post it everywhere you go, sucha s your house, office, or car, to remind you not to light a cigarette.

  • Make a honest list about what you like about smoking and on another piece of paper, write what you dislike about smoking. You will most likely have a longer list of what you dislike about smoking than about what you do like about it.


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